February 04, 2005

wrapping up a week without travel...

what a pleasure. an entire week in the office, time to catch up on paperwork, employee reviews, etc. and every night home to the family, and a fire. sweet.

got feedback this week from a 360 review conducted late last year. i've never been a big fan of these types of exercises - myers-briggs, firo-b, and the like. i don't think that they're terribly accurate and i do think that they encourage people to too narrowly label themselves and others. that said, if you don't take them overly seriously, talking through the results (with whatever consultant you might be assigned) can actually be a bit eye-opening. there'll be some results that repeat output from previous such processes or otherwise validate what you already believe. other results can be a bit confusing, even contradictory. cynicism aside (yeah, right), i s'pose there's some science to all of this and i imagine some accuracy to the trends identified. food for thought, i guess (at which i'm obviously nibbling).

weekend's upon us... later.

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