August 29, 2005

monday, must be copenhagen... transit. summer is definitely over. helsinki this week, dallas next, ny the following three, dallas again after that and then, again, helsinki. frankly, i'm just not focusing after that but i think the trend continues. ah well, i s'pose there's always the christmas break... (a little cheese with your whine bill?).

'was watching the airport tube at dulles before takeoff last night. non-stop reporting on katrina's savage intent for new orleans and beyond. never know how much of it is hype these days, but looks like it's got the potential to be a tragic mess. saw a couple of different snippets from different outlets and seems to be some common focus - bolstered by this morning's news online - on the potential cost in terms of petroleum supply (not just the impact on the offshore rigs in the gulf, but the multiple refineries inland as well). a legit concern, yeah, but go figure that one of the more conservative news outlets had the gall to thinly veil a spin to further justify activities in that other gulf region that's had us occupied of late. um. yeah. sure. jeesh. i mean, c'mon...

got a flight to catch. later.

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