February 27, 2013

A New Chapter (our Culture of Fear)..

Recently, a $100 million U.S.-based cyber-security firm – Mandiant - released a very detailed report (link) tracing numerous and long-running cyber incursions and data infiltrations into and from the U.S. back to a specific building in China, the home of an elite People’s Liberation Army (PLA) cyber unit.
What made this Report stand out from other such documents issued in the past – like security firm McAfee’s infamous “Shady Rat” report from 2011 (link) – was its remarkable forensic focus, right down to identifying three unique individual hackers.
Both the Mandiant and McAfee Reports labeled China the chief perpetrator, and both Reports spotlighted the U.S. as by far the most significant victim. Both Reports cite tera- and petabytes of information exfiltrated from U.S. networks and companies, referencing a potential transfer of wealth unlike anything that has occurred in human history.
I personally assume that - likely as not - there is some truth to these Reports' general depiction of Chinese Government-sponsored cyber activity. Why would they not 'fess up?  I dunno, why did Clinton lie about getting a hummer in the Oval Office? Go figure...
The U.S. cannot hold itself out as somehow innocent of cyber-malevolence – witness Stuxnet and Flame – but, select U.S. Government officials have quite clearly stated that U.S. Government-sponsored cyber activity does not extend to the theft and transfer of valuable intellectual property, or trade, operational, procedural or transaction-related secrets.
I personally assume that these U.S. Government officials are sincere in their representations that the U.S. limits its cyber-warfare to disruption and non-commercial espionage.
So where does this leave us?
Based on the preponderance of available evidence, we can assume with great confidence that governments are actively and passively supporting cyber incursions into other countries’ networks and businesses. From a track record perspective, it would appear (at least from public accounts) that China is leading in the theft of IP, and the U.S. has the upper hand in terms of demonstrated cyber-disruptive capability.
So what next?
We can trust that the brief flurry of media and hyperbolic political attention to the Mandiant Report release was only the first wave. U.S. Sinophobes will ratchet up the tension with China and the Chinese Government will continue to deny, obfuscate and otherwise seek to maintain the effective status quo.
What’s wrong with this picture?
In the name of “fear,” we’re poised to give up more stuff. Jobs, investment, peace of mind, and, yes, civil liberties.
With respect to everything but the latter point (other than to say that our surrender of rights and liberties in the wake of 911 did not stop then - law enforcement, intelligence and other authorities are increasingly empowered to tap, surveil, track, imprison and even, in the most outrageous of circumstances, kill us –and increasingly without warrant or accountability) , since the dawn of the Cold War, ours has increasingly been a fear-based society. With all best intent (more often than not anyway), the U.S. Government has time and again tipped the scales towards fear in setting policy.
Yes, when the Wall fell and the Internet blossomed, we experienced a brief almost decade-long respite. But hope was dashed and fear returned when the dotcom bubble burst and the WTC towers fell.
And now, with our subsequent mis-adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan - in part well-intended, in greater part, perhaps not –seemingly almost played out (although we will almost certainly one day reap a bitter harvest from the seeds we’ve sown in those countries), we move on to new chapters in fear: Cyber and China (and, increasingly, Iran, which is an utter quagmire, and, frankly, given our history in that country, we cannot hope for much beyond containment at this point).
Cyber threats (most specifically, for now, China-based) are the new platform for Government reactionaries to monger fear around, supplanting terrorism, just as terrorism filled the gap left at the end of the Cold War (following that brief and blissful gap of the post-Soviet-Internet-boom 90’s).
Are the threats real? Yes. Must they be addressed?  Yes.  But, they should be addressed in the context of the globalized world in which we live, and in an economic era defined by an ever-elusive recovery. In other words, heralding Aebbe the Younger (as introduced in a blog post late last year), we ought not cut off our economic nose to spite our cyber face.
Consider: In December of last year, The Rhodium Group (www.rhg.com) - a well-respected U.S.-based economic research house with a regular focus on China and Chinese outbound investment – released a Note on “Chinese FDI in the United States in 2012“ which highlighted that “Chinese firms completed U.S. deals worth $6.5 billion, a 12% increase from the previous record of $5.8 billion in 2010. This new record reflects both the growing determination of Chinese firms to expand overseas and the attractiveness of U.S. markets and assets to these investors.”
Good stuff. Our economy needs such injections of capital and jobs.
Yet, just this month, Rhodium issued a Paper on “Chinese Investment: Europe vs. the U.S.” which spotlighted that “After a similar take-off phase in Chinese investment in 2008, patterns diverged in the past two years with Europe receiving almost twice as much investment as the US… Chinese telecommunications equipment firms…spent more than three times as much in Europe than in the US, where ...firms have seen their business prospects diminished by intervention from US government officials, members of Congress and the security community.”
Ugh. So in the name of cyber-fear, we sacrifice investment, jobs, innovation and more affordable broadband. Are we cyber-safer for the sacrifice?  Nope.  Do we know something the Europeans don’t? Nope, not that either - we’re just tipping the scales to fear again.
Balance in our approach is absent, and very much in demand.  In yet another previous blog post – some months ago – I suggested that the U.S. and China had reached a MAD point ala the U.S. and the Soviets half a century ago, except in terms of cyber rather than nukes. I continue to believe (and hope) that the two countries will convene around some agreement defining lowest common denominator acceptable cyber-behavior (e.g. we’ll steal secrets from each other but won’t crash any planes or markets), and then multilateralize it.
Would such an initiative undo the cyber (and other) tensions between the U.S. and China? Of course not. But it would be a step towards a rational policy solution that might balance fear with the all-too-real realities of globalization.
Stay tuned…

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