April 18, 2013

What a maroon...

You gotta love it when a loon is exposed as a loon.

Last summer, ZDNet featured an article that was summarized as follows:

A former Pentagon analyst reports the Chinese government has "pervasive access" to about 80 percent of the world's communications, and it is looking currently to nail down the remaining 20 percent. Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE Corporation are reportedly to blame for the industrial espionage

(full text of article at http://www.zdnet.com/former-pentagon-analyst-china-has-backdoors-to-80-of-telecoms-7000000908/)

I get it.  At the time the article was posted, we were all in the midst of the heat and stench of the House Intelligence Committee's now-acknowledged-as-beyond-vapid Huawei witch-hunt, so, well, yeah, I get it, sex sells.

But, um, a "former Pentagon analyst?"

The so-called "analyst" was indeed once with the Pentagon, a key contributor in the DoD "Office of Special Plans" which has since been credited with having contrived the, uh, "inaccurate intelligence" on WMD's that justified our invasion of Iraq.  Of course that was before the analyst had his security clearance stripped and was forced on leave for participating in gun-running to Liberia with a Lebanese partner. 


'Course he didn't limit his observations on Huawei to ZDNet - Oh no, he was all over the blogosphere (primarily in the fringe cyber-paranoid section), opining willy-nilly about shit about which he had absolutely no knowledge.

So, in any event, I was tickled today to stumble across his seemingly deadly-serious article on WorldNetDaily (don't get me started) suggesting that North Korea - by virtue of its ties to Al Qaida - was behind the Boston Marathon bombing (his article was front and center next to another titled "Another killer disease striking homosexuals").  Jesus.

Full text of his "reporting" at: http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/north-korea-linked-to-marathon-bombing/

Again, in the words of Bugs Bunny: "What a maroon."

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