August 16, 2020

Get Ready - November 3rd and the PEAD threat

Those who know me or have followed my past FB posts or comments might be familiar with my concerns expressed over the last couple of years that Trump will not leave office when he loses the election this November - mere weeks from now.

We all know that he is engaged in a wide range of shenanigans to suppress the opposition vote, most recently by efforts to cripple the U.S. Postal Service. Congressional Members of the former Republican Party (now the Cult of Trump) have unfailingly enabled him along the way.

It is unclear if any of Trump’s anti-Democratic, unconstitutional measures to disenfranchise voters will succeed in preventing the American electorate from throwing him out. Indeed, given the sheer popular disgust at what he has wreaked upon our nation and global reputation, it seems unlikely.

In earlier musings I’ve wondered about the possibility of Trump, post-November 3, declaring martial law on some or another pretext, while he challenges the veracity of the vote, based on bullshit allegations of fraud. I’ve also worried he might unleash his brownshirts again, as he did in Portland.

Worse, I’m genuinely concerned that his well-armed lunatic fringe of supporters – like the so-called Proud Boys, or their extremist right-wing anarchist allies the Boogaloo Bois, or whichever other flavor-of-the-day madfolk – might take it upon themselves to rain terrorist havoc down on our country.

I’ve chuckled at the blue-sky media musings of Trump refusing to step down only to have the Secret Service escort his sorry ass out of the White House on January 20, 2021, and, with no anointed Chief Executive, ushering in Nancy Pelosi in his stead. Yeah, right. Not.

No, Trump knows he’s fucked if he leaves. Too many State-based legal cases stacked up against him that will almost certainly produce adverse results for him and his grifter kin that cannot be undone by Federal pardon, should someone be dumb enough to contemplate such a sin.

Which leads us to what Trump has occasionally referred to as his “secret powers.” As he blathered in March of this year, “I have the right to do a lot of things that people don’t even know about.” Meh, with Trump, we all just assumed he was spewing more bullshit.

Whoops. Someone somewhere (Rudy? That criminal creep?) may have briefed the Idiot-in-Chief-cum-SAT-cheater on the concept of Presidential Emergency Action Documents, also known (sigh) as PEADs. Lord, what a nightmare when it comes to Trump (his supporters are still fixated on “cum”).

There’s been a lot of chatter today and in recent days about PEADs, basically presidential orders that are drafted in anticipation of a range of hypothetical, worst-case scenarios. Okay. Except, uh, no-one knows – not even the Congress – what powers a PEAD might afford a President. It’s classified.  FFS.

PEADs were born in and of the Cold War and fears of a nuclear attack that might incapacitate the country. The assumption was that a sitting President (and advisors) would have in mind the best interests of the country and citizenry and act accordingly. Trump? Oh shit.

While there are no publicly available PEADs, they are known to contain provisions allowing, for instance, suspension of the Constitution, you know, martial law, the roundup and detention of people not suspected of any crime, etc. That sort of stuff. Basically, Trump’s abuses in Portland, on steroids.

Oh, it gets worse. Under the National Emergencies Act of 1976, the President can declare a national emergency just by signing a proclamation. Trump? Oh. Shit. Again. And this, now, is how I anticipate he will address his loss in November, or, before, perhaps suspending the elections altogether.

I’ve not been a fan of the gloom-and-doom types predicting a post-election civil war. We’re bigger and better than that, I’ve thought. Well my American friends, in whatever fashion, we cannot let any PEAD-inspired abomination occur. It would be the end of our nation. Stand up.

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